Monday, August 29, 2016

Farmer's Wife - Week 39

At last, this is our final week of blocks for the Farmer's Wife Quilt-along!  We only have two blocks this week and they are definitely interesting blocks.
  • Block 93 - Swallow
  • Block 95 - Temperance Tree

Block 93 - Swallow

Swallow is mostly squares and HSTs, but there is an interesting section (the bird's beak) in the lower right corner of the block.

To start, the center block would be a good place for a feature fabric.  Cut this 3 1/2 inches square.

Surrounding the center block are 7 HSTs, 2 squares, and 2 triangles:
  • To make the HSTs, I will go ahead and make 8 HSTs and have an extra one left over.  Using the Magic Eight method.  
  • The two squares (white in my image below) should be cut 2 inches square.
  • The two triangles (green below) are cut from a 2 3/8 inch square cut in half diagonally.
To make the odd triangle section in the lower right corner, first cut another green triangle that is the same size as the two triangles cut above.  The strips along the side and bottom of the triangle are 3/4 inch wide (without seam allowances).  I'm not going to have that separate square in the corner and will just combine that in with one of the long strips.  As such, I'll cut two strips that are 1 1/4 inches wide, one 3 1/2 inches long and the other 2 3/4 inches long.  Sew the 2 3/4 inch strip to one of the short sides of the triangle, then attach the 3 1/2 inch strip to the other side.  You will almost have a triangle, but will need to trim off the square ends of the white strips at an angle, but even with the edge of the green triangle.

Now, to assemble the block, arrange all of the parts around the center square (the odd corner you just created will go on last):
  • Top Row: 3 HSTs and 1 white square
  • Middle: 2 HSTs on the left of the large square; 1 HST and 1 green triangle on the right
  • Bottom Row: 1 white square, 1 HST, and 1 green triangle
Sew the parts for the Top Row together in a strip.  Sew together the HSTs on the left of the Middle and attach them to the large center square, then sew together the HST and the triangle on the right of the Middle and attach them to the large center square.  Sew the parts for the Bottom Row together in a strip.

Attach the Top Row and the Bottom Row to the Middle.

Finally, sew the odd corner unit to the assembled section and you are done!

Block 95 - Temperance Tree

I saved this block for last, because I know how much you love making HSTs.  We will need 18 HSTs finished to 1 inch (1 1/2 inches trimmed).  You will decide whether to make them all two-at-a-time or make some eight-at-a-time based on your fabric selection.

You will also need two 1 1/2 inch squares (green in my image below).

The large green triangle should be cut with the two short sides 4 7/8 inches long (or half of a 4 7/8 inch square).

To make the triangle with the blue strip in the middle, you have two options, piecing or applique.  In either option you will start with a white triangle the same size as the green one you just cut above.
  • Piecing: Cut a blue strip 1 inch wide and 3 1/4 inches long.  Cut the white triangle in half by first ironing the triangle in half right where the blue strip belongs, and cutting on the fold.  Sew the two triangle halves to either side of the blue strip and iron the seams toward the center.
  • Applique: Cut a blue strip 1 1/2 inch wide and 2 1/4 inches long.  Fold the strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together, and sew 1/4 inch from the cut edge.  Trim close to the seam line and roll the tube open to press open with the seam in the middle of the tube and the seam allowance hidden between the folded edges.  Lay this flattened tube on the right side of the white triangles, down the center, and applique the edges down along both sides.

Now that you have all of the parts ready, the assembly begins.  With all of these small pieces, you'll want to take your time here to be sure your seams are a "scant" 1/4 inch and are straight.  The slightest adjustment can throw off the block size.
  1. Start by sewing the large green triangle to the white/blue triangle.
  2. Sew the top row of parts together into one long strip (1 square and 5 HSTs).
  3. Sew the second row of parts into a strip (1 HST, 1 square, and 4 HSTs).
  4. Sew the top row strip to the second row strip.
  5. Make the 2 x 4 set of HSTs on the left side by sewing two strips of 4 HSTs for the left side; then sew the strips together.
  6. Attach the 2 x 4 set of HSTs to the left of the large square you made in step 1 above.
  7. Sew the two-strip unit from step 4 to the top.
Done, and done!

If you have been assembling these blocks week-by-week, then you now have all 111 blocks for the Farmer's Wife Quilt.  Congratulations!

See instructions for week 38 of our Farmer's Wife Quilt-along.