Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Farmer's Wife - Week 35 - Our Blocks

Week 35 is complete and here are our blocks, which turned out great.  We made a lot of HSTs and did some creative piecing for this set.

Block 48 - Homeward Bound

This block was pretty easy and turned out nice a clean.

MJ's Farmer's Wife - Block 48 - Homeward Bound
MJ's Farmer's Wife - Block 48 - Homeward Bound
Farmer's Wife - Block 48 - Homeward Bound
Beth's Farmer's Wife - Block 48 - Homeward Bound

Block 50 - Honey's Choice

I adjusted the scale on Honey's Choice and I like how making the center cross smaller than originally drafted helped balance the block out a littler better.

Farmer's Wife - Block 50 - Honey's Choice
MJ's Farmer's Wife - Block 50 - Honey's Choice
Farmer's Wife - Block 50 - Honey's Choice
Beth's Farmer's Wife - Block 50 - Honey's Choice

Block 51 - Hovering Birds

Hovering Birds was a little more complicated, but was fun to put together with some creative piecing.  Beth used a dark blue in her block that she hasn't used before so she'll use it as much as possible in the few remaining blocks.

Farmer's Wife - Block 51 - Hovering Birds
MJ's Farmer's Wife - Block 51 - Hovering Birds
Farmer's Wife - Block 51 - Hovering Birds
Beth's Farmer's Wife - Block 51 - Hovering Birds

See instructions for Week 35 Farmer's Wife Quilt-Along.
See our blocks from Week 34.