Saturday, July 16, 2016

La Passacaglia - Three More Rounds

I've made more progress on my La Passacaglia quilt project, having added three more rounds or rosettes to the collection.  I'm working on another large round that I'll share when it is done, but you know how long these can take.

La Pasacaglia Quilt - In Progress
La Passacaglia Quilt - In Progress

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to share English Paper Piecing with my sister, so my next round will start with the center star that she started!

I'm having fun with the color play with this project, discovering how differently the same fabric appeals to me based on the size of the piece it is used in.  For example, that orange-y fabric in the large round at the lower left is one I added to the mix because I like to have some gold-ish color fabrics in multi-color quilts.  Separately, I like the fabric, but I wasn't really wild about how it looked in that particular round; I think there is just too much of it.  But check out that fabric in the stars around the rosette at the top right; it looks great as the points of the stars!  I like it so much, I'm going to use it again for star points and will also use it for the long diamond shapes.

Check out all of my progress on the La Passacaglia quilt project.