Saturday, April 22, 2017

Blue & White Sampler - Six Inch Blocks

As I mentioned in my last post, I have moved on to making the 6 inch blocks for the Blue & White Sampler quilt I have in progress.  It's very familiar territory, making smaller blocks, after all that time working on the Farmer's Wife quilt blocks!  That quilt, by the way, is still awaiting my attention, currently in strips rolled up on the shelf.

This is the first eight of the 6 inch blocks; Pineapple, Hunter Star, Amish Star, Rising Star, Star Burst, Center Nine Patch, Ohio Star, and Christmas Star.

Pineapple Quilt Block

I used the tutorial on the Generations Quilt website that includes measurements for both 6 inch and 8 inch block sizes.  I love how this turned out and will do this again.

Pineapple Quilt Block
Pineapple Quilt Block

Hunter Star Quilt Block

This block was traditionally pieced using the templates on the Jinny Beyer website.  I've always liked the Hunter Star quilts I've seen, so now I have a greater appreciation for the work that goes into these quilts.  The block isn't difficult to make, but requires great precision to keep everything even and match up points.

Hunter Star Quilt Block
Hunter Star Quilt Block

Amish Star Quilt Block

This has to be one of the most versatile blocks out there.  I spent more time trying to decide what fabrics to use, because I was able to find so many different colorways for this block.  I found the instructions for this block on the McCall's Quilting website, but it wasn't difficult to figure out without instructions.

Amish Star Quilt Block
Amish Star Quilt Block

Rising Star Quilt Block

I went simple on this quilt block that I found on Craftsy where a pattern is offered for free, though I didn't use it.  If I make this one again, which I may for this quilt, I'll modify it with the large triangles (that make the outer star tips) pieced to can make an interesting star with both of my blue fabrics. 

Rising Star Quilt Block
Rising Star Quilt Block

Star Burst Quilt Block

The name definitely fits this block with all of the flame-like edges.  I first saw this block on the Canoe Ridge Creations website, where it looks like she used this block in a Quilt Club program a few years back.  I made my own pattern for this, which wasn't too difficult; however, I could have done some of it a little easier with HSTs, but I wanted a challenge.

Star Burst Quilt Block
Star Burst Quilt Block

Center Nine Patch Quilt Block

I found this block on Pinterest, but the link no longer goes to the proper page.  I like that it's not a start block and I was able to use both of my fabrics and simulate a bit of a weave look for the strips going through the center of the block.

Center Nine Patch Quilt Block
Center Nine Patch Quilt Block

Ohio Star Quilt Block

Here's another block I found on the Generations Quilt website, but it really needs no instructions.

Ohio Star Quilt Block
Ohio Star Quilt Block

Christmas Star Quilt Block

This is probably the most complicated of this batch of blocks, but it was great fun.  I found it on Quilter's Cache, such a great resource, but I didn't use the instructions there, choosing instead to have fewer seams and piece the outer rows.

Christmas Star Quilt Block
Christmas Star Quilt Block

Check back soon, when I'll have more of the six inch blocks to share!