Thursday, March 27, 2014

Coptic Bound Book of Quilt Squares

How do four inch pieced quilt squares and coptic book binding get combined into a keepsake? Check this out to see.

Coptic-bound book of quilt squares
Coptic-bound book of quilt squares

On two separate trips, I spent time with my sister on handmade things.

On one summer vacation trip, we discovered a book of four inch quilt squares by Jodie Davis, titled Victorian Quilt Block Designs, that we enjoyed browsing through.  We enjoyed it so much that we decided to make our favorite ones.  By the time we were done, we had a nice collection, but not quite enough to make anything of any substance.  So, we each left that trip with a box of squares and fun memories.  Not long after, maybe the next year, we decided to take a class where we learned to make wood-covered, coptic bound books. 

So, after returning home and dabbling in a few other book-making projects, I decided to figure out a way to put these quilt squares into a book.  Don't ask me how I came to this decision, I don't remember.

Each quilt square was sewn into a sheet, then the sheet was wrapped in a windowed page so that the raw edges are covered.  It took a little engineering to come up with a strategy, but it turned out pretty well, IMHO.  The goal was to not use glue on the squares, so sewing seemed the likely solution.

Coptic Bound Book of Quilt Squares
Coptic Bound Book of Quilt Squares

One advantage of the coptic bound books is that when opened, they lay flat, without flopping closed.  This presentation works well for displaying each quilt square.

Coptic Bound Book of Quilt Squares
Coptic Bound Book of Quilt Squares
Here you can see the book covers, which I covered with fabric from my fabric stash.  This fabric is one of my favorites; the texture works well as a book cover, almost leathery looking.